Local Action, Global Impact

Happy Summer, fellow Pilots!

As anticipation builds for the upcoming 2023-24 athletics season on The Bluff, we are excited to continue partnering with you to create more NIL opportunities for Pilot student-athletes.

We recently introduced several membership levels to join our Back the Bluff collective - if you haven’t signed up at a level that feels right for you, you should do so now! And please help spread the word to any fellow Pilots that you think might be interested in joining us.

Earlier this summer, your support of Back the Bluff allowed us to create a fantastic NIL opportunity for one of our international Pilot student-athletes. Which means your contributions are officially making an impact across the globe!

Men’s basketball player Tyler Robertson recently spoke to approximately 400 students at Croydon Hills Primary School outside of his native Melbourne, Australia. Tyler attended Croydon Hills from ages 5-12, and talked about his journey from primary school to where he is today. Tyler inspired the students to keep working at their goals and to never give up pursuing their dreams.

Tyler also hosted a skills clinic with two junior teams at Dandenong Basketball Association. This was particularly meaningful for Tyler (and the kids!), as he spent four years playing for this same club prior to going to America for college.

We are so grateful to all the Back the Bluff supporters who made this NIL opportunity possible for Tyler, and for helping make a positive impact on the young people Tyler was able to work with.

As always, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions about community organizations that we can partner with to create meaningful NIL opportunities for Pilot student-athletes.

You can contact Back the Bluff here, and you can make a contribution here.

Thank you again for your support, and GO PILOTS!!!

Joe Kuffner

Owner of Kuffner Creative - yes, you can hire me! - and for six years was Associate Director for News and Content Strategy at the University of Portland.

Twitter: @joekuffner


Spring Update